ok first of all, i have something to offer. a solution to a problem thats been hanging around for quite some time now.
whats the problem:
members not knowing there is a siege, members showing up late or too late, party creation not going smoothly, open slots to be filled in the last minute for remeaning ppl, lag fest in front of dungeons that slow the group down, bad comunication in TS about the game plan, members running everywhere without knowing the plan, chaotic buffing.
yes, what im trying to adress is the weak organisation of our preparing at the siege. it is sad by on every aspect that after so many sieges against the rock, we didnt make many any improvement.
oh wait... we did... instead of running into the dungeon without any plan or making a plan as we go, now we have a plan. just half of us doesnt know it, or cant follow it clearly.
so id like to offer something of a protocol to work with. a step by step plan, guidelines. basically its devided in 3 parts:
1. Announcing - friday afternoon.
on friday its known whether we ll siege or not and against who or not.
currently there r members who dont know when the siege is and if there is a siege and have no details at all.
the first details should be posted on Facebook, Alien forum, Nitor Forum, TS, and any other board used by the alliance and their guilds.
Some1 has to be assigned for doing that, and get a list of links where to post it. in return the guild should be notified where to be able to find it. (ill voluenteer for that if needed)
2. Preparing for Siege - Less then 1 hour before siege
60 minutes to go - the alliance leader has to start gathering money from the dungeon. its prefered this is done before parties need to be created or have to be formed. a small amount of overlap is ok, but should be done at least 30min before time.
45 minutes to go - party leaders, guild leaders and pay out members will gather in a secluded channel in TS. the pay out list is discussed, party leads are given out, the plan is handed out. this can be done quickly and completely if others wont
40 minutes to go - party leaders move to the main TS channel and go to separate teleporters. (for CV there are 6 pts, the plan has been parties #1 and #2 go attack from the left and gather at teleporter A; parties #3 and #4 gather attack from the right and gather at teleporter B; parties #5 an #6 are defenders and gather at teleporter C) the partie leaders will invite members to their party.
15 minutes to go - all parties must be full, all lists must be written down, all members will have be to at their respective teleportersall party members must be in TS at least listening. (those coming late will not get a spot, those without TS will not get a spot - there are plenty of members who will do the effort to be on time and get TS to join in.) party leaders will explain the game plan in their own party chat. where they will go and what they will do and that they will be working together with the other party. i must be typed and understood by all.
5 minutes to go - all members must be fully buffed, if buffers are exchanged to buff at a other teleporter they should be back by now. all items must be traded, taken care of, in ur bag. it should be as rdy that the siege could start right there.
3. Siege Starts
First the main attacking party teleports at seeing the notice. NOT earlier.
Then after most of the first wave is in, the sign for the next group will be giving in TS by the party leaders. The 2nd attacking party teleports.
Then as last the defending party teleports and goes in.
4. (kind of a part) Pay outs after siege
we dont need to fit this in before siege if there is no convenient time for it or way to do it.
This should give most ppl heads up to what will go on, will be organised clean and smoothly, and as lag free as possible.
Rock sieges should be done strickly by this protocol. its excilent to practice and we have to make use of that!
a few arguments at my choices:
- gathering money and doing the lists is not handy during the organizing fase
- last minute changes in the parties do not work out well. ppl who are not sure to be there cant be waited for endlessly, they should be there already.
- TS is very easy to get, even to listen to. it should not be much of a problem to get that. (note: u need TS 2, TS 3 is out but we work with the previous version)
- separeting parties to teleporters makes it easy to find out what ur job is during the siege. u can also see ur colleges and recognise them in siege, so u know better who to back up and what move every1 is making.
- sequenced teleporting to the dungeon after the start will clear any lag coming from the attackers who gather there a few minutes before start. also because we are not all together there we wont lag each other out, inside or outside.
If this protocol were to be followed, members have something to count on. its set and will be followed. members will know where they are at during every given moment of time before, during and after siege.